This is the final installment of our Hong Kong Foodie 5 series where I ask my favorite Hong Kong food bloggers5 questions about what and where to eat in Hong Kong.
I’m still trying to figure these two out. Jen is American, works in TV, and has blogged about putting her TV career on pause to work in a professional kitchen in London. Tom is a Brit, currently works in an office building in HK and writes most of the blog posts. One or both of them have an obsession with food photography and fancy camera gear.
TomEatsJenCooks is one of the artsy magazines of food blogging. Their blog, much like their photos, is elegant, simple, and beautiful.
Having just recently moved to Hong Kong, they currently have 44 HK restaurant reviews. The Hong Kong posts are ideal for visitors to Hong Kong because they are written from the point of view of outsiders quickly making their way to the inside. They also have 111 London reviews which I will be reading in preparation for my London trip this summer.
You can find TomEatsJenCooks on Twitter @TomEatsJenCooks. Links lead to their blog posts or one of their Flickr images.
1. What is the best place in HK for Noodles and BBQ?
Noodles and rice are the base of most meals in HK so there are a lot of places to eat them and most of them are good. My own personal food “revelation” on coming to HK was when I first ate at Mak’s noodles on Wellington St. This is one of the most famous places to eat wonton noodles in HK and is in every guide book, but that is for a reason – it is rather damn good.
The noodles are different than anything you can get in the west and are “springy” – almost alive. Combined with the Mak’s broth it is truly special. There are other more local places to go but this is right in the centre of town and remains one of the best.
2. Where should I go to grab a snack while Mrs A|T shops at Times Square?
Times Square will leave you a sacred tired man due to all the shopping and the fervour with which the HK locals approach it. It could be the time to go and have a coffee break at
18 Gramsor have some dirty Fro Yo (one of the big trends in HK atm) at Crumbs. If you want something a bit more substantial
Din Tai Fung could be perfect if you just order a few XLBs.
3. Where is the best late night Milk Tea place?
Late night only means one thing to me – Tsui Wah. This is the crazy Cantonese equivalent of McDonalds. All garish colours and noise but with good pastiche food. You’ll find them all around town by their big neon signs and the bustle of people in and out. The
condensed milk toasted bun is something which has to be eaten to be believed and is a revelation for those who love unhealthy dirty food.
4. Where is the best place in HK to go for dessert?
Deserts are one of the things that HK does amazingly. Some of the Asian deserts I have had here would wow anyone in the world at any restaurant. Jen and I love Honeymoon Dessert for a sit down affair. If you just want to grab a mango based snack whilst wandering around hi lau shan does amazing drinks.
5. What is one thing (or more) that everyone coming to Hong Kong should eat?
To me HK is wonton noodles and dims, so you would be made to not have those. Mak’s and Fu Sing are two of the best places to eat those. However my new revelation is a HK style egg sandwich, in the morning, after a night where you had a few too many beers. You can get it from the Yue Hing dai pai dong in Central street market (in the centre of town) and it truly is genius. Egg sandwiches with lettuce, spam or fried pork, slow steamed scrambled eggs and sweet chilli sauce and peanut butter.