Hong Kong Foodie 5: Mochachocolata Rita

Mochachololatarita Food Blog

This is part 4 of our Hong Kong Foodie 5 series where I ask my favorite Hong Kong food bloggers5 questions about what and where to eat in Hong Kong.

Mochachocolata Rita  

Oh Mochachocolata Rita. What can I say? I was intrigued with the Mocha and the Chocolata, but you had me at Yummility. A telecommunications busy body by day, Rita describes herself as “unbelievably cocky, unreasonably annoying, unbearably boring” while she runs a straight-up no-nonsense Blogger food blog that has posts going all the way back to 2005! Clearly another prototypical Hong Kong resident, she has a passion for food, shopping, and clothing.

Like some of the other Hong Kong food bloggers I’ve featured, in addition to the 127 posts about Hong Kong she also has reviews from all over Southeast Asia as well as London and even one from Brazil.  Reviews have great pictures, great stories, and the address of the place being reviewed.

In addition to her blog, you can also find Rita on Twitter @mochachocolata. Links lead to Openrice, Rita’s blog, or the reviewee’s website.

1. What is the best place in HK for Noodles and BBQ?

A. Noodles
OMG, there are so many…and all represent different kind of noodles…
B. BBQ, as in BBQ pork/roast pork etc?
I haven’t tried many fancy places for HK BBQ items, some that I’ve tried aren’t memorable enough to mention, but for day-to-day affordable HKG BBQ (siu mei) I love the BBQ pork and roast pork rice from Simply Life. Some people say that because it is from Maxim’s group, then you can get the same char siew rice from Maxim’s fast food outlets. Well the fast food outlets do sell decent char siew rice at great price but in my humble opinion, they are not the same 🙂 eat it at Hong Kong park in this beautiful weather for maximum enjoyment 😉

2. Where should I go to grab a snack while Mrs A|T shops at Times Square?

3. Where is the best late night Milk Tea place?

I haven’t tried enough places to qualify myself to crown a place as “best”, but you could go to Tsui Wah for a selection of HK favorite cafe dishes (HK style breakfast of instant noodles with beef satay, fluffy toasted buns slathered with condensed milk and butter, swiss sauce chicken wings, instant noodles with soft bone pork, milk tea, etc)
I quite like the milk tea (ice outside the glass) from Tai Hing, but the roast items aren’t as good as they used to be.. 

4. Where is the best place in HK to go for dessert?

Some favorites:

5. What is one thing (or more) that everyone coming to Hong Kong should eat?

  • Char siew/roast pork
  • Dim sum/yumcha, iconic Luk Yu Tea House, try to go around 12 or after 2 or book a table: ) and my favorite: Fu Tung at Wharney Hotel
  • Hong Kong style cafe food/breakfast/french toast (Tsui Wah, Tai Ping Koon, any local char chan teng)
  • HK style pork chop curry/pork chop baked rice/any pork chop dish from Fairwood 

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