This TPThursday post is of a distance marker sign post from Legoland California []. I like this sign-post because it uses some rather unique units of measure.
The consensus favorite is the distance to Alaska measured in moose droppings. I like the one giant leap measure to the moon, but then I’m a bit of a space nerd.
This post was submitted to Travel Photo Thursday [], a weekly collection of travel photos hosted by Budget Traveler’s Sandbox. Be sure to check it out!
Lovely photo 🙂
LOL Must be a million moose droppings from where I live to Alaska !
What a fun idea that makes geography interesting for both kids and adults.
And here I thought that the distance from California to Sydney was measured by the number of empty Foster’s beer cans set end to end. You learn something new every day!
An interesting take on distance.
Great sign! My vote is for the penguins, with the moose droppings a close second!
Awesome sign! I like the kangaroo hops and moose dropping references. I live a few miles from Legoland and have been there often enough but have never seen this sign. Now, I have to look for it the next time we visit. Thanks!