Travel Photo Thursday: Hapuna Beach Big Island Hawaii

Another Thursday, another Travel Photo Thursday, and another picture from Hawaii. It’s been snowing here in Vancouver, which is kind of unusual for this time of year, so I’ve been dreaming of the beach. Plus it’s really hard not to take nice pictures in Hawaii!

Hapuna Beach Big Island Hawaii

This picture was taken in 2009 on the beach at the Hapuna Beach Prince Resort on Big Island. We were taking advantage of the shade on a hot August day while looking down on the sparsely populated beach.

As per usual, to see more great photos please visit Budget Travelers Sandbox for this week’s Travel Photo Thursday collection! Bonus shots below:

Dangerous Shorebreak at Hapuna Beach Hawaii

We got to Big Island the day that Hurricane Felicia was supposed to blow right through the Hawaii.  This was the next day so they still had all of the warning signs out.

First Sunset at Hapuna Beach Hawaii

This was the start of a memorable evening at the beach with the kids.


Update January 18, 2012: This post was added to Friday Daydream.

13 thoughts on “Travel Photo Thursday: Hapuna Beach Big Island Hawaii

  1. I’m not a fan of beach resorts… but this could really suck me in. It’s fabulous, great views, clean beaches, not too many people and brilliant sunsets.

  2. OH-LA-LA!!! Take me there quick!!!! I love Hawaii! No words can ever describe how much I love the beaches there and I’m crossing my fingers that I can visit them one day..:) Thank you for sharing…:)

    • It was too long ago to remember the specifics but it wasn’t unbearably hot – and being from Vancouver means that too hot and too cold aren’t too far apart for us! That there was a storm coming through also meant that we had a nice breeze most of the time and only one day of high winds.

    • Thanks! I’ve been doing a lot of thinking of going back to Hawaii too. The hail storm that just hit my house doesn’t help! Maybe towards the end of the year…..

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