Travel Photo Thursday: Volterra Italy

It’s National Hockey League playoff time so I’ve been neglecting the travel blog lately. I’m working on some planning for my upcoming trip to London so I expect that there will be more traffic soon, but for now here is another Travel Photo Thursday. I’m a little worried that you’re all sick of my Hong Kong photos, so here’s something from a trip we took to Italy in 2010.

I’d been wanting to go back to Italy for a slower trip following the Mediterranean cruise that we took a couple of years earlier. I wasn’t too sure that it would actually happen until Mrs A|T discovered the Twilight books and decided that she needed to visit Volterra in Italy. While we started the day chasing down fictional landmarks from the books, we finished up by exploring the ruins on an old Roman theatre.

Volterra Street Sign Italy

Volterra is a really nice Tuscan hill town. It was a bit overrun with Twilight tourists, but you didn’t have to get too far off the beaten path to find some beautiful quiet streets. This is my submission to Travel Photo Thursday hosted by Budget Travelers Sandbox.Be sure to check it out to see more great travel photos from bloggers around the world!

Bonus pictures:

Volterra Side Street Italy

Another nice street shot.

Volterra Roman Theatre Italy

I can just imagine the people sitting in these seats, which were originally covered in marble.

Volterra Roman Theatre Italy

The stage was to the right of those tall columns.

20 thoughts on “Travel Photo Thursday: Volterra Italy

  1. I love the idea of choosing to visit a place based on a book you’ve read. It must be fun to try and match up landmarks and Volterra looks beautiful, I especially love the cobble stone streets.

    • Sorry it took so long to approve your comment – it somehow ended up in the spam folder.

      The Twilight thing might be a bit overwhelming for the locals, but it will probably be good for the town in the long term. We also visited Montepulciano which is where they actually filmed parts of the movies (it stood in for Volterra).

    • It was actually relatively crowded – nothing like the tour bus crowd in Siena, but more people than I expected. There are some parking structures around the edge of the town and they were all full. We had to get a little lost looking for the Roman theatre to find these emptier streets.

  2. I love the colours of those old houses – & I’m with Sensible traveler – I like the street shot best. It’s got a bit of mystery to it.

    Six more weeks of playoffs – you’re probably in heaven. It’s the same around our house with my husband,.

  3. Nothing stirs me more than viewing earthy, ruddy photos from times past. I’m a bit of a daydreamer so I can imagine the pomp and circumstance such an amphitheater would command. Amazing!

    • I’m the same way! Most people think it’s odd that my favorite part of the Louvre is the basement where you can explore the foundations of the castle that they found when they built the pyramid.

    • Thanks! Volterra is nice but it fairly out of the way -I think my GPS sent me on the scenic route becuase we seemed to be on small country roads for hours before the town kind of popped up in the middle of nowhere. I’m hoping to explore more Tuscan hill towns in the future!

    • I am heading to London for a wedding soon, but not the one that just happened. My invitation must have been lost in the mail!

    • I’m glad because that’s mostly what I have! I’ve always taken travel pictures but until recently they were very amateur. I’m hoping to update my collection soon!

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