I’ve travelled enough to Europe now to expect to see some different cars than I’m used to in Canada. We don’t get any Peugoets around here anymore and Ford sells a bunch of little cars there that I’ve never seen before. Sometimes, though, you see some things that are a little more unique.
I saw these two little electric cars parked in Marylebone. They actually look more like sized up kids toys than they do sized down Hummers.
Also in Marylebone I saw two Mini’s with pretty unique paintjobs.
On further research it appears this is a custom paintjob used by the Foxton real estate [www.foxtons.co.uk] company so there are a few of them running around London.
And finally, near Hyde Park there is this cool little art installation:
This is an art piece called Vroom Vroom by Lorenzo Quinn [www.lorenzoquinn.com]. The car is acutally the artist’s first Fiat 500 [londoniscool.com] that he bought with money from art that he sold.
This post was submitted to Travel Photo Thursday, a weekly collection of travel photos hosted by Budget Traveler’s Sandbox [budgettravelerssandbox.com]. Be sure to check it out to see some great travel photos from all over the world!
Beautiful photos
hihihihihi, so funny. I once saw a middle aged man cruising around in a tiny, open-roofed vintage pink car…I have that photo somewhere
The first two photos look exactly like kids cars, I’ve never seen these in London before, interesting.
Traveling to Europe always digs up an assortment of interesting cars that never make the North American market and I sure wonder why sometimes.
Good selection of photos.
Cute! I especially like the ones in two cars in the first photos, they really do look like toy cars. 🙂
Very cute! I’d not noticed the Fiat sculpture before, thanks!