Where to Eat in Vancouver

Simple Plate and Fork


The New York Times did an article today on food in Vancouver called If Meals Won Medals.

The article starts out with a stop at Granville Island for brekkie, and then goes out to a couple of hole-in-the-wall Shainghainese places in Richmond. After that it’s mainstream with Market and Fuel/Refuel. The author takes a stop at Sun Sui Wah, which is where we take our out of town guests for Chinese food. It’s very high quality at a pretty good price. After meandering though a the Pourhouse in Gastown they stop by at Vij and Tojo’s before finishing at Guu (mmmm Guu with Garlic…..).

I’ve been to most of those restaurants (except Pourhouse and the places in Richmond) and I have to say that they’ve mostly nailed it. If you’re coming to Vancouver for the Olympics you won’t be disappointed. See the NYT article for restaurant details.

If you can’t get into any of those restaurants you should also look at my recommendations. I don’t have any stake in any of these places other than the fact that I actually eat at most of them. I didn’t like Coast that much at its old location but everyone else seems to like the new spot.

Fancy $$$$-$$$: BishopsCRU

Uber Cool and Modern $$$: Coast, Blue Water Cafe, Cibo Trattoria

Comfy Food $$$-$$: Chambar, Rodneys Oyster House

Authentic (slightly sticky) Noodle Houses $: Congee Noodle House, Hons

And with appologies to M. Daniel Boulud, Lumiere has gone downhill since Rob Feenie was ousted. It’s no longer on my list and that’s not just my local bias speaking. If you want to spend $$$$ go to Bishops.

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