Vancouver 2010 Free Events Listings

2010 Vancouver Topiary


On the eve of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games there are 3 questions heard over and over again all around town. 1) Did you see the torch yet? 2) What do you have tickets to? 3) What else are you going to?

As per a previous post about 2010 Ticket Information tickets can be had for all events at a price. Victory ceremony tickets include medal presentations and live bands have a face value of between $25-50 each. These tickets are still available from Vanoc for February 15th and February 20th. Resale prices on these should be pretty reasonable, but would depend on the band playing that night.  A list of bands is available at the Vancouver2010 website.

In addition to ticketed events there are a lot of free concerns happening all over the city. You can, of course, search for events at the Vancouver2010 site; however, there are a couple of other places that are a little easier to navigate.

 There is a great listing of entertainment venues and events put together by called Where 2 Be for Free. The best listing of free concerts can be found on Facebook event called FREE Olympic Shows. This concert listing is great because it lists time, date, and venue in a single place.

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