Travel Photo Thursday: Whistler One Year Later

Whistler Olympic Cauldron 2011

This past weekend I was in Whistler British Columbia. The cauldron is located in Whistler Village where the medal ceremony plaza was for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. I thought this was a nice shot with the Olympic rings and the ski hill behind it. It’s too bad that they still have the temporary fencing surrounding the plaza.

As we are one year out from the Olympics I thought that this would be a good Travel Photo Thursday image.  Travel Photo Thursday is hosted by Budget Travelers Sandbox and I urge you to check out some of the other great photos listed there.

Below is a picture of it when it was lit for the Paralympic games.

Whister Olympic Cauldron 2010 Paralympics

Here are some additional pictures that I took this weekend. For more pictures from the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games you can check out our Olympics Photo Gallery.





13 thoughts on “Travel Photo Thursday: Whistler One Year Later

    • Whistler is great. I think these are permanent structures. In Vancouver the only remaining major structures I can think of is the big cauldron at Jack Poole plaza and a small stone “host city” sign in front oe city hall. The real legacy will be in the infrastructure improvements we got.

    • Thanks for the kind words! I think I need to look a little more carefully at the edges of my frame to avoid some of the clutter, though. Next time!

    • Thanks! It was fairly quiet there only because everyone was on the ski hill at the time. The medal presentation plaza is at the far end of Whistler Village, away from where all the action is. I think the location is great because it wouldn’t be the same if it was overrun with people.

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