Travel Photo Thursday: Concorde at the Museum of Flight

On our trip to Seattle last week I made sure to visit the Museum of Flight []. Located just south of Seattle at Boeing field, the museum is also home to my favorite airplane: Concorde. Concorde was the first airplane to capture my imagination as a child and I regret not having had a chance to fly on any of them. Imagine taking in this view on the way to your seat!

Passenger Compartment of Concorde G-BOAG Museum of Flight

True, there’s not a lot of personal space on those seats, but you have to remember that they were all short flights! This particular plane, G-BOAG (aka “Alpha Golf”) has a pretty interesting history []. Originally called G-BFKW, it had no buyer after manufacture so BA used it as a spare and even used it for spare parts for awhile!

G-BOAG Concorde at Museum of Flight

G-BOAG British Airways Concorde at Museum of Flight

This post is my submission to Travel Photo Thursday, a weekly collection of travel photos from around the world hosted by Budget Traveller’s Sandbox []. Be sure to check it out!


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