In what all true Vancouverites are hoping is foreshadowing at its best, the City of Vancouver has officially announced that today, April 27, is Vancouver Canucks day. This announcement comes in celebration of our beloved hockey team’s first round playoff victory over the Los Angeles Kings. Personally I think they’re jumping the gun a little. One wonders what they will do if we finally go all the way to the Stanley Cup this year.

Vancouver Canucks vs LA Kings 2010
Vancouverites and tourists alike are welcome to gather at City Hall for a 12:00 noon ceremony where Mayor Robertson, the rest of city council, and representatives of the Vancouver Canucks will raise the orca logo proudly up the city flag pole.
The next opponent for the Canucks will be the Chicago Blackhawks, much to the relief of the local sports media who apparently dread the idea of travelling to Detroit for a playoff series. Alex Burrows, a member of the Canucks, is also quoted as saying:
We don’t mind facing anyone, but as far as Detroit, the only thing I dislike is having to fly there and having to stay there, to have to spend a couple of days in that city.
Apparently Hockeytown, USA is kind of a hole now. I hadn’t heard of this until the recent economic downturn which has hit Detroit pretty hard, so I wonder if this is a new phenomenon?

Game 1 Canucks Vs Kings 2010