I’m sharing my Magnificent Monday post at Holes in My Soles [holesinmysoles.blogspot.com] . Pop in, join in or just follow the links to other great stories and pics! This week’s theme is the cycle of life and I’ve selected this street shot taken in Barcelona by my then 3 year old son. I believe that it was taken out the side window of our tour bus.
My sister was kind enough to give him an old digital camera to get the next generation of photo-traveller started. It was fun to see things from his perspective and to get some insight into what he thought was interesting!
Bonus shots:
Very cool idea to give him the camera at that age. I think he’s showing some talent already! Love how well it works as your “cycle of life” entry — very creative.
Thanks! And thanks for introducing me to Magnificent Monday!
Thanks for joining Magnificent Monday Ryan and a very good post to link in with contrasts between old and new in Barcelona architecture. Gee, we were on Gaudi’s cathedral in ’74 and it has progressed a wee bit since then!
I’m not sure whether my comment has been successfully posted or not… but here I go again.
I commend your child for all the lovely images he/she took… 🙂 they are larger than life…
Thanks! Sorry, your post was caught by my spam filter.