
Average Traveller is about how normal people travel. Luxe travel and budget travel are being done by lots of other people who know how to do that. We are about travel on moderate budgets with some room for splurging. I love finding the good deal but am weary of that too-good-to-be-true great deal. Average Traveller is going to be a lot about trip planning because getting there is – well, you know or you wouldn’t be here.

The vacation experience begins at the very moment when you cross that threshold from wanting to get away to deciding to go. The excitement that I feel in reading other travel blogs and gathering information about what I want to do on my trips is a critical part of my travel experience. Most blogs turn up plenty of “what did I do” information but “how did I know to do it” isn’t as easily discovered.

That is the inspiration for Average Traveller. Documenting that process so I can reflect back on it and easily share the information with others seems like a useful task. I often tell people that the Internet is a repository of spare time power. I’ve made many withdrawals so this is how I’m paying it back.


Reflections of Hapuna Beach.

Sponsorship of goods and services

Any freebies or sponsorship associated with a product or service that I review will be clearly indicated in the post. Almost everything that I review here will be things that I’ve found and purchased on my own but I’m open to the idea of reviewing products or services that seem useful. The Adsense ads on this site are served up by Google and I have very limited control over the content of those ads.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Very well-put. Lux & budg travel are currently being overly documented / blogged by the vast majority of travel bloggers and vagabonds. It’s good to see someone taking the path less chosen and walking down the line in the center.

    I also agree with your last sentence. I myself have made an obscene amount of free withdrawals from the web, but like you I am giving back as well now. Props and good luck on your journey!

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